
USAID ESP Helps NEURC to Enhance Its Capacity to Implement REMIT
Ukraine's energy markets require considerable reforms to ensure their transparency and independence, strengthening energy security and paving the way for Ukraine’s integration with European markets. The Regulation on the Integrity and Transparency of the Electricity Wholesale Market (REMIT—EU Regulation 1227/2011) is an integral part of this reform.
The REMIT concept is new for Ukraine and...

July 27, 2021
Electricity tariffs in Ukraine could be much lower if auctions were used
Humankind puts much hope in renewable energy. This means renewable sources to replace fossil fuels, thermal power stations and nuclear plants. This is a strategy that most countries have already endorsed. Ukraine is planning to increase the share of renewable energy in the country’s energy balance to 25% by 2035, as envisaged by the Energy Strategy of Ukraine. Here Allen Eisendrath, an expert from the USAID Energy Security Project, shares his vision of renewable energy, its prospects in Ukraine and the introduction of energy storage systems – an issue that is being widely debated in this context.

July 23, 2021
Program helping municipal stakeholders implement reforms aimed at technical optimization, higher economic efficiency, and the environmental safety of heat supply systems: Progress Tracker
The USAID Energy Security Project (ESP), jointly with the Ministry of Territories and Communities Development of Ukraine, implements the Program helping municipal stakeholders implement reforms aimed at technical optimization, higher economic efficiency, and the environmental sustainability of heat supply systems.

July 8, 2021
REMIT introduces a paradigm shift in energy markets
According to Alexander Golas, ESP Energy Market & Institutional Regulatory Advisor, EU Regulation on the Integrity and Transparency of Wholesale Energy Markets (REMIT) introduces a paradigm shift in energy markets regulatory oversight. More about implementation of REMIT in Ukraine and related chellanges - in our interview with the expert.

July 5, 2021
Innovative Energy Storage System, developed with the support of the USAID, is to Increase Efficiency at Ukrhydroenergo, and Advance Ukraine’s Integration with European Electricity Grid
Unique USAID-developed power storage solution to be implemented with $212 million in World Bank financing

July 2, 2021
Multilateral working group meeting on REMIT implementation in electricity and gas markets in Ukraine
On July 1, a meeting was held of the multilateral working group on REMIT implementation in electricity and gas markets in Ukraine, organized by USAID ESP and the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission (NEURC), which was also attended by representatives of NEC Ukrenergo, Market Operator and GTS Ukraine Operator LLC.
The purpose of the meeting was to get acquainted with ESP’s "road map" for the implementation of REMIT-related IT infrastructure in electricity and gas markets in Ukraine.

June 17, 2021
Guaranteed Buyer Commissions Renewable Energy Generation Forecast System with support from USAID Energy Security Project
The State-owned enterprise “Guaranteed Buyer” has been improving generation forecasts for renewable energy (RE). Support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) provided to the enterprise through the Energy Security Project (ESP) made it possible to significantly progress this work. Cooperation on renewable generation forecasting and planning between the Guaranteed Buyer and the USAID ESP involved Enercast, a German provider of renewable generation forecast technologies. The company operates in 20 countries worldwide and provides forecasts for over 180 GW of installed wind and solar energy capacity.

June 3, 2021
USAID Energy Security Project and Research Agency, Info Sapiens, are to find out the consumers’ experience regarding household gas supplier switching
Following the liberalization of the Ukrainian gas market for households from August 1, 2020, approx. 13 million households have the opportunity to freely choose any natural gas supplier on the market. A relatively fast and consumer-oriented supplier switching process is one of the necessary prerequisites for the development of retail market competition.

May 27, 2021
USAID ESP сonsiders storage technology as power systems stabilization or frequency control and for the ancillary services market
On May 27, USAID Energy Security Project held a roundtable on “Auctions for Energy Storage and Resource Adequacy Approaches”, aimed to discuss pending storage legislation and related ways of electricity market balancing.

May 26, 2021
Implementing REMIT is necessary for the integrity and transparency of Ukraine’s energy markets
On May 26, together with European experts and with the participation of the USAID Energy Security Project, members of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Energy, Housing and Communal Services held a roundtable to discuss the principles of legislative integrity and energy market transparency. During the discussion, participants focused on the principles and approaches set out in European Union (EU) Regulation No. 1227/2011 on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency (REMIT) and other parts of the EU acquis. Experts from the EU and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) also analyzed bills aimed at implementing REMIT in Ukraine to ensure market-compatible monitoring and supervision, which is an important step in the development of Ukrainian energy markets.