
USAID ESP Helps NEURC to Enhance Its Capacity to Implement REMIT

Ukraine's energy markets require considerable reforms to ensure their transparency and independence, strengthening energy security and paving the way for Ukraine’s integration with European markets. The Regulation on the Integrity and Transparency of the Electricity Wholesale Market (REMIT—EU Regulation 1227/2011) is an integral part of this reform.  

The REMIT concept is new for Ukraine and...

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July 14, 2022

Commercial electricity flows from Ukraine to EU: mutually beneficial for Ukraine and the EU

At the beginning of June 2022, Continental Europe Transmission System Operators positively addressed the request of Ukrainian Transmission System Operator NPC Ukrenergo to renew electricity export from Ukraine to Europe. Export volumes will increase in line with implementing the countermeasures proposed by ENTSO-E.

July 7, 2022

USAID to lead procurement of critical energy equipment for Ukraine

The Ukraine Energy Support Fund will pool international support to restore and rebuild energy infrastructure damaged by Russia’s invasion.

June 30, 2022

Support to energy security cooperation between Ukraine and Europe

On June 30, 2022, USAID Ukraine's Senior Energy Advisor Sukru Bogut and USAID Energy Security Project (ESP) Gas Team Lead Justin Goonesinghe spoke at the 4th South-East European Gas (SEEGAS) Initiative Joint Steering Committee Crisis Response Meeting.

June 11, 2022

The USA supports Ukraine’s European energy integration and provides technical assistance for the development of Ukraine’s electricity market

U.S. Ambassador Bridget A. Brink and USAID Head of Mission in Ukraine, James Hope, during a visit to NPC «Ukrenergo», congratulated it on ENTSO-E's decision to open Ukrainian electricity exports to Europe. The United States fully supports Ukraine's energy integration with Europe and, via USAID and its Energy Security Project (ESP), continues providing «Ukrenergo» with expert assistance through projects dedicated to ENTSO-E synchronization and electricity market development and system planning and operation.

January 21, 2022

USAID handed over to Luhansk Energy Association the dedicated equipment for over UAH 7.7 million

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has handed over to Luhansk Energy Association LLC the dedicated equipment for over UAH 7.7 million through the Energy Security Project. USAID is creating the necessary conditions to ensure uninterrupted energy supply for over 340,000 household and 8,000 commercial customers in the Ukraine’s government-controlled territory of Luhansk Oblast, and thus contributing to strengthening of Ukraine’s energy security.

December 21, 2021

USAID ESP helps Kyivteploenergo to automate heat supply control

Backed by USAID Energy Security Project, the Public Utility “Kyivteploenergo” is adopting the DH.GIS geoinformation system based on a software platform by Globema.

The DH.GIS software package will enable a digital map containing data on 2,700 km of district heating networks and over 200 heat sources across Kyiv. This map will automatically display any changes within the system, particularly data from aerial monitoring of heat networks.

моніторинг ринку електроенергії

December 1, 2021

USAID ESP helps NEURC to enhance the monitoring of the electricity market in determining market concentration indicators

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), through the Energy Security Project (ESP), works in close cooperation with the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission (NEURC) to determine the level of market concentration. These joint efforts resulted in an automated system to calculate the indices and indicators used in electricity market monitoring. The new system employs the Tableau Software purchased by USAID ESP to support market monitoring by NEURC. Since late September 2021, these calculations are used for official real-time monitoring of the electricity market. It is a good example of the practical support being provided to the Regulator by USAID ESP.

Віталій Мірошниченко, спеціаліст з газових питань USAID ПЕБ

November 22, 2021

How to become a part of the USAID ESP Team? From intern to a specialist!

Vitalii Miroshnychenko joined USAID Energy Security Project (ESP) in 2019 as an intern. Within a year, he had been promoted to a gas sector specialist and had become a key member of the Project’s Gas Team. We asked Vitalii about his path to energy and, particularly, to the ESP.

November 15, 2021

USAID supports Ukraine’s Electricity Market Operator to fight corruption

A significant step has been made toward building pubic trust in Ukraine’s energy markets. The state company Market Operator (MO) has gone through a process of reform supported by USAID to implement International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and fight corruption. As a result of these efforts the MO earned internationally recognized certification for their anti-corruption management system.