
USAID ESP Helps NEURC to Enhance Its Capacity to Implement REMIT

Ukraine's energy markets require considerable reforms to ensure their transparency and independence, strengthening energy security and paving the way for Ukraine’s integration with European markets. The Regulation on the Integrity and Transparency of the Electricity Wholesale Market (REMIT—EU Regulation 1227/2011) is an integral part of this reform.  

The REMIT concept is new for Ukraine and...

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September 9, 2021

DEAN WHITE: The Energy Security Project will continue to contribute to Ukraine’s energy security

The USAID Energy Security Project has passed its halfway point – three years have been successfully completed and an additional two years of work are ahead. USAID Energy Security Project’s Chief of Party Dean White outlines how the Project will continue contributing to energy resilience and thus Ukraine’s overall security. He explains how the Project proactively cooperates with the Ukrainian government, other diverse stakeholders as well as non-governmental organizations advance the role that Ukraine’s energy sector plays in furthering independence and expanding access to regional markets.

September 2, 2021

USAID makes possible provision of more stable and reliable heat supply for one million households in Kyiv

An agreement between the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the city of Kyiv on providing the Ukrainian capital with a Euro 140 million loan to modernize its heat supply infrastructure and optimize business processes of CU “Kyivteploenergo” (KTE) was signed on Thursday, September 2, 2021 at the CHP-5 site in Kyiv.

August 19, 2021

Youth Choose Renewable Energy!

A year ago, Yuliia Hryhorash chose the Renewable Energy Engineering specialization which Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (IFNTUO&G) started with USAID support through the Energy Security Project (ESP). When asked what prompted her to choose renewable energy, Yuliia said: “Strong RES growth in Ukraine and the sector's demand for qualified specialists. In addition, the...

August 5, 2021

EBRD grants a loan to CU “Kyivteploenergo”! Has USAID ESP something to do with it?

The Board of Directors at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has decided to grant a loan of 140 million euros to the utility company “Kyivteploenergo” to develop heat infrastructure in the capital city.

This is a large-scale task requiring years of implementation as Kyivteploenergo is one of the world’s largest heat and energy utilities providing district heating services.

July 27, 2021

Electricity tariffs in Ukraine could be much lower if auctions were used

Humankind puts much hope in renewable energy. This means renewable sources to replace fossil fuels, thermal power stations and nuclear plants. This is a strategy that most countries have already endorsed. Ukraine is planning to increase the share of renewable energy in the country’s energy balance to 25% by 2035, as envisaged by the Energy Strategy of Ukraine. Here Allen Eisendrath, an expert from the USAID Energy Security Project, shares his vision of renewable energy, its prospects in Ukraine and the introduction of energy storage systems – an issue that is being widely debated in this context.

July 23, 2021

Program helping municipal stakeholders implement reforms aimed at technical optimization, higher economic efficiency, and the environmental safety of heat supply systems: Progress Tracker

The USAID Energy Security Project (ESP), jointly with the Ministry of Territories and Communities Development of Ukraine, implements the Program helping municipal stakeholders implement reforms aimed at technical optimization, higher economic efficiency, and the environmental sustainability of heat supply systems.

July 8, 2021

REMIT introduces a paradigm shift in energy markets

According to Alexander Golas, ESP Energy Market & Institutional Regulatory Advisor, EU Regulation on the Integrity and Transparency of Wholesale Energy Markets (REMIT) introduces a paradigm shift in energy markets regulatory oversight. More about implementation of REMIT in Ukraine and related chellanges - in our interview with the expert.

July 5, 2021

Innovative Energy Storage System, developed with the support of the USAID, is to Increase Efficiency at Ukrhydroenergo, and Advance Ukraine’s Integration with European Electricity Grid

Unique USAID-developed power storage solution to be implemented with $212 million in World Bank financing

July 2, 2021

Multilateral working group meeting on REMIT implementation in electricity and gas markets in Ukraine

On July 1, a meeting was held of the multilateral working group on REMIT implementation in electricity and gas markets in Ukraine, organized by USAID ESP and the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission (NEURC), which was also attended by representatives of NEC Ukrenergo, Market Operator and GTS Ukraine Operator LLC.

The purpose of the meeting was to get acquainted with ESP’s "road map" for the implementation of REMIT-related IT infrastructure in electricity and gas markets in Ukraine.