What We DoProcurement Agent for UESF

USAID ESP is an Independent Procurement Agent for Ukraine Energy Support Fund

Since summer 2022, USAID Energy Security Project (ESP) has served as an independent procurement agent for the Ukraine Energy Support Fund (UESF) in addition to providing vital emergency assistance to Ukrainians.

The UESF, led by the Energy Community Secretariat (EnCS), is a collaborative effort by countries, international organizations, and companies to provide financial support for Ukraine’s wartime needs quickly and effectively. The EnCS liaises with Ukraine’s Ministry of Energy and donor countries to raise funds and identify the most immediate energy infrastructure needs. As the procurement agent, USAID ESP secures and delivers equipment and materials for rebuilding and repairing energy infrastructure that has been damaged by Russian shelling. Our support to UESF targets Ukraine’s immediate needs as well as efforts to strengthen and fortify energy infrastructure for future heating seasons. These procurement services are free, an in-kind technical assistance contribution from USAID.

For more details, please visit the following resources:

Ukraine Energy Support Fund explained

Ukraine Energy Support Fund procurement procedures

Ukraine Energy Support Fund open tenders

Ukraine Energy Support Fund allocates EUR 26.3 mln to restore energy facilities

A picture containing part of district heating system
District Heating
Overhead power lines
A hand holding a green plant
Environmental and Social
A large pipeline in the background