Special Focus

January 19, 2024

I dream to invent technology extending solar panels life term and decentralize electricity generation

Essay of the Winner of the Contest, Andriy Kulchak

The issue of energy security became especially acute for Ukraine with the beginning of a full-scale invasion. The stoppage of Russia's supply of energy resources (natural gas, nuclear fuel, oil, and oil products) forced the Ukrainian government to reconsider the issue of energy security. This war crystallized the role of Ukraine's energy sector in ensuring the European continent's energy security.

January 18, 2024

For stable functioning, the Ukrainian energy infrastructure requires modernization

Essay of the Winner of the Contest, Bohdan Kaliuta

In the modern world, energy security issues are especially acute for countries that became independent only a few decades ago and are actively developing. Energy security is one of the most critical components of national security, and its provision is crucial for the country's sustainable development and well-being.

January 17, 2024

Safety is a priority area of ​​work when developing the design of energy facilities

Essay of the Winner of the Contest, Kseniia Petryk

Ukraine's energy security is one of the critical national strategic tasks crucial for national security, economic stability, and country development. This problem became especially urgent with Russia's seizure of Crimea and part of the eastern regions of Ukraine, and on February 24, 2022, with a full-scale invasion.

January 16, 2024

Considering the martial law, it is essential to implement a wide range of measures to enhance energy security

Essay of the Winner of the Contest, Vadym Honhalo

All areas of human life, the functioning of small, medium, and large enterprises, medical and educational institutions, financial institutions, and electric transport depend on energy. I especially want to highlight the electric power industry because it powers lighting, communications, production lines, etc. The availability of electricity allows heat pumps to be activated, which provides the population with heat and hot water.

January 15, 2024

We want our energy facilities to be protected from attacks by reinforced concrete

Essay of the Winner of the Contest, Mariia Okhrimenko

Ukraine's energy security can be divided into two components:

independence of the energy system from external security influences
the availability of energy resources, their rational use, increasing the stability of the energy system, increasing the stability of energy supply, increasing the efficiency of energy generating plants, taking energy efficiency measures, reducing the percentage of heat loss, using small and medium-sized distributed generation, the ability to accumulate energy, optimal timely solutions in emergencies, effective use of available resources, modernization of outdated energy equipment, etc.

January 12, 2024

Energy security is the foundation for the economic and social spheres, without which sustainable development and decent living conditions are impossible

Essay of the Winner of the Contest, Serhiy Shemliy

The International Energy Agency (IEA) defines energy security as the uninterrupted availability of energy sources and the possibility of using them at an affordable price. My vision of energy security echoes the one provided by IEA specialists. For me, energy security for Ukraine means sustainable energy supplies for industries, the general population, and all other consumers and transparent and equal access to energy services. It also includes the development of the energy sector in compliance with environmental standards and respective international agreements (e.g., the Paris Agreement).

January 11, 2024

Conscious energy consumption contributes to the strengthening of Ukraine’s energy security

Essay of the Winner of the Contest, Yulia Smal

The notion of energy security is multi-faceted and related to phenomena and processes in the energy sector and beyond. Energy is a strategically important sector, the safe and stable operation of which impacts the daily, uninterrupted functioning of all industries of Ukraine. Energy security means being confident in the availability, affordability, and possibility of sustainably receiving quality fuel and energy regularly under both normal conditions and emergencies. In other words, energy security is the protection of the state, its citizens, and the economy against an energy deficit. 

January 10, 2024

Ensuring a steady energy supply in war conditions is quite a challenge

Essay of the Winner of the Contest, Yulia Kirnytska

Energy is not just a physical quantity; it ensures the heartbeat of Ukraine, the functioning of everything: from enterprises to our homes, everything we use. Previously, young people might only sometimes think about where energy comes from and how important energy security is. However, with the full-scale invasion of Russia, the word blackout appeared in the dictionary of every Ukrainian. It seems that it was then that we felt how vitally necessary and more important than ever a stable energy supply is. It turned out that ensuring a steady energy supply in war conditions is quite a challenge.

January 9, 2024

The energy consciousness of every consumer strengthens Ukraine’s energy security

Essay of the Winner of the Contest,  Mykyta Klochko

The energy security of the state means, in fact, much more for each of us than it first appears. Its components include protection against destruction, availability of particular sources of energy from other states, and the energy behavior of each consumer. I want to tell you how I gained insights into this issue and its role in my life.