On June 22, 2023, the USAID Energy Security Project (ESP) ceremoniously completed a training program on gender equality and non-discrimination in the workplace for employees of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine.

The training program included ten educational sessions conducted at the Ministry by Yulia Galustian, the USAID ESP Gender Expert. Upon the completion of the training, more than 30 graduates received comprehensive knowledge and practical skills to perform gender analysis, develop and implement policies on gender equality, non-discrimination, and inclusion in the working places, and form a gender-sensitive culture. In addition, the training covered the prevention of and action against mobbing[1] and gender-based violence.
The participants were introduced to implementing a gender-inclusive approach to labor relations, including creating inclusive workplaces. They also discussed a draft Code of Ethics and Gender Principles of Business Conduct for the administrative office of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine employees, which the ministry’s team plans to implement.
This training program became the basis for further integration of a policy of equal rights and opportunities for women and men in the Ministry of Energy. Upon the completion of the program, the participants received professional development certificates.
1 Mobbing (bullying) – systematic long-term intentional actions or inaction by the employer, individual employees, or a group of employees aiming to humiliate the honor and dignity of an employee, his (her) business reputation, including for the purpose that he (she) acquires, changes or terminates labor rights and obligations which is manifested in the form of psychological and/or business pressure, in particular using the means of electronic communication, creating tense, hostile, offensive atmosphere towards the employee, including the one that forces him (her) underestimate his (her) professional suitability.