
USAID ESP Helps NEURC to Enhance Its Capacity to Implement REMIT
Ukraine's energy markets require considerable reforms to ensure their transparency and independence, strengthening energy security and paving the way for Ukraine’s integration with European markets. The Regulation on the Integrity and Transparency of the Electricity Wholesale Market (REMIT—EU Regulation 1227/2011) is an integral part of this reform.
The REMIT concept is new for Ukraine and...

October 4, 2023
Energy sector companies received technical expertise on the Ukrainian energy market coupling with the EU
On September 29th, the USAID Energy Security Project (ESP), jointly with EPEX SPOT, conducted the 5th and final workshop on the Roadmap and Capacity Building on Electricity Market Coupling Activity.

October 3, 2023
USAID Energy Security Project with the State Agency for Energy Efficiency discussed ways to support the increased efficiency of cogeneration, per the current regulatory and market frameworks
On September 27, 2023, the USAID Energy Security Project (ESP) held the fourth webinar in a series of events that are intended to provide key district heating (DH) stakeholders with guidance on cogeneration units (CGUs)- their potential, technical details on implementation, and prospects to further develop distributed cogeneration based on the current DH infrastructure in Ukraine. The event...

September 28, 2023
Biomethane: the USAID Energy Security Project highlights its support to Ukraine at the European Renewable Gases Forum
On September 27, 2023, the USAID Energy Security Project (USAID ESP) Gas Sector Lead Justin Goonesinghe and Gas Sector Lawyer Dmytro Pryschepa took part in Energy Community Business Forum on Renewable Gases, sharing their key takeaways from the ESP project to developing the related legislative framework for biomethane. USAID’s Energy Security Project aims to create a favorable environment for the...

September 25, 2023
69 cogeneration units for 23 district heating utilities and two universities this winter – new support to Ukraine from USAID Energy Security Project
On Wednesday, September 13, the USAID Energy Security Project (ESP) organized a roundtable discussion focusing on the use of small and medium-sized cogeneration to power critical infrastructure during the upcoming heating season. Various energy sector representatives participated in the discussion, including the Ministry of Infrastructure, the Ministry of Energy, the State Agency on Energy...

September 22, 2023
The USAID Energy Security Project presented a project of a comprehensive training program on the use of biomethane
USAID’s ESP is building the capacities of stakeholders in the Ukraine energy sector in developing and trading renewable gases through the delivery of a comprehensive training program on biomethane. This week, ESP presented the biomethane project, which seeks to bring together key policymakers as well as agricultural and gas market players to ensure a common understanding of the full biomethane...

September 19, 2023
USAID ESP launched a series of workshops focusing on the Electricity Market Coupling Activity
On September 11, 2023, the USAID Energy Security Project (ESP) and EPEX SPOT teams conducted the first workshop within the Roadmap and Capacity Building on Electricity Market Coupling Activity, gathering more than 80 participants from Ukraine’s energy sector and international institutions implementing Ukraine’s electricity market reforms.
The Electricity Market Coupling Activity aims to help...

September 13, 2023
NEURC Resolution, supported by USAID ESP, will facilitate electricity exchange with Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary
On September 12, 2023, the National Energy and Utility Regulatory Commission (NEURC) adopted the resolution “On Approval of the Cross-Border Capacity Allocation Rules for Ukraine – Poland, Ukraine – Slovakia and Ukraine – Hungary directions.”

September 12, 2023
Market Operator successfully re-confirmed its anti-corruption certificate: USAID ESP funded independent audit
The Joint-Stock Company Market Operator (JSC MO) is responsible for selling and buying electricity on the Day-Ahead Market (DAM) and the Intraday Market (IDM) and helps to balance demand and supply in the electricity market.

September 11, 2023
USAID ESP helps the Ukraine Energy Support Fund to procure equipment
Since April 2022, the USAID Energy Security Project (ESP), acting as an independent procurement agent under the Ukraine Energy Support Fund (UESF), has helped to procure and provide equipment to meet the urgent needs of Ukraine’s energy sector to rebuild and repair infrastructure damaged by Russia’s attacks.