Backed by USAID Energy Security Project, the Public Utility “Kyivteploenergo” is adopting the DH.GIS geoinformation system based on a software platform by Globema.
The DH.GIS software package will enable a digital map containing data on 2,700 km of district heating networks and over 200 heat sources across Kyiv. This map will automatically display any changes within the system, particularly data from aerial monitoring of heat networks.
This new software package will provide reliable data on the heat supply to over 15,000 buildings in Kyiv, improving the efficiency of one of the largest district heating systems in Europe and thus enhancing the quality and reliability of the services provided.
DH.GIS is used for the following purposes:
- Navigate the city map, search facilities, and provide the required information.
- Take inventory of the availability, location, characteristics, and current status of “Kyivteploenergo” equipment.
- Make hydraulic calculations and analyze and map the network’s technical status when performing routine repair and emergency recovery works.
- Display the results of hydraulic computations as subject maps and tables on the screen and hard copies.
- Generate information on the condition of “Kyivteploenergo” equipment, including lists of disconnected customers and visualization on a map.
Automating the heat supply control system is a strategically important step towards its further development, optimization, and improvement of quality of client services.
The geoinformation system (GIS) is an innovative solution to automate dispatcher decision making and – when combined with the future SCADA system – will become a robust system of control of the technological processes of heat production and distribution using geospatial data based on the DH.GIS software package. It provides for calculations required for hydraulic control of district heating networks, modeling loads on heat sources, and determining the optimal parameters of the projected new networks and the existing modernized networks. In addition, the map will display data on network breaks and heat losses, thus enabling emergency repair teams to determine the optimal routes to localize, control, and remove faults. The dispatching service will help to promptly reconnect consumers when a fault is detected.
“Kyivteploenergo” staff have already conducted a great deal of work on introducing the GIS:
- Transferring the available data, including already completed datasets and directories, to the new system.
- Entering the Kyiv City address space (names of streets, buildings, etc.) into the new system.
- Verifying data on heat networks from heat sources with a capacity up to 80 Gcal.
- Entering and updating the key information on the heat networks connected to sources with a capacity exceeding 80 Gcal.
- Integrating the information from a mobile laboratory – as obtained from drones flying over the heat networks.
- Customizing the web application “Smallworld Network Viewer,” which enables facility search by name and address. Formulation and export of the results allow access for users from Kyiv City State Administration information network.
- Adjusting calculation sessions on heat networks connected to sources with a capacity of up to 80 Gcal.
- Adjusting the display of computations on a piezometric curve in line with the Standard DBN В.2.5-39:2008 “External Networks and Structures. Heat Networks.”
In the future, “Kyivteploenergo” will further integrate DH.GIS into its other in-house information systems to expand the functionality of this software tool. This will involve the application of DH.GIS for the following purposes:
- Certification/’passportization’ of heat network equipment
- Technical and economic analysis of connection of new customers
- Planning heat network repairs and associated costs
- Taking inventory of and analyzing information on network equipment condition

Commenting on the introduction of the geoinformation system, USAID Senior Energy Advisor Sukru Bogut emphasized that USAID has been helping КТЕ since 2018 to modernize its technical infrastructure and improve management in order to provide Kyiv residents with high quality and competitively priced district heating services.