USAID Empowers Ukrainian Women and Youth in the Energy Sector

August 5, 2024

Yulia Hryhorash, a student in the Renewable Energy Engineering program at Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas

Through its Energy Security Project (ESP), the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) supports youth and promotes gender equality in the energy sector, ensuring an inclusive workplace for women. 

Women comprise only 22% of the Ukrainian energy industry workforce and still face gender stereotyping, limited job opportunities, unfair pay, poor conditions, and inadequate gender policies. 

USAID supports women’s leadership in energy companies and government authorities, and is helping to open opportunities for women to contribute to rebuilding Ukraine’s energy sector. 

By April 2024, over 600 employees of the Ministry of Energy, other government agencies, and energy companies had completed USAID ESP’s training on gender equality, social inclusion, and gender-inclusive approaches. 

“It was motivating and useful. We learned about gender equality and inclusion, how to counteract discrimination and stereotypes, and the importance of gender sensitivity in the energy sector,” said Tetiana Marchenkova, deputy head of the social and labor relations and gender equality unit at the Ministry of Energy. 

USAID is also boosting education and youth career development in the energy sector. In 2020, through ESP, USAID provided a grant to the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas to support its new bachelor’s program in Renewable Energy Engineering. This program is the first in Ukraine to prepare specialists for the renewable energy sector and improve youth employment. 

During their studies, students gain hands-on experience and practical skills by working in educational laboratories with special renewable energy equipment provided by USAID.  

In June 2024, 50 students graduated from the program to become highly skilled professionals, including Yulia Hryhorash. Yulia, who plans to work in her hometown, explains, “there are many opportunities for career development, from installing solar panels to designing renewable energy stations, making calculations, or even managerial work in a technological energy company.” 

Enhancing gender diversity in the energy sector is crucial for Ukraine’s rebuilding efforts, energy resilience, and integration with the EU. Increasing opportunities for young people, especially women, will help meet the growing demand for technical skills in the renewable energy market.