
USAID ESP Helps NEURC to Enhance Its Capacity to Implement REMIT

Ukraine's energy markets require considerable reforms to ensure their transparency and independence, strengthening energy security and paving the way for Ukraine’s integration with European markets. The Regulation on the Integrity and Transparency of the Electricity Wholesale Market (REMIT—EU Regulation 1227/2011) is an integral part of this reform.  

The REMIT concept is new for Ukraine and...

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June 10, 2024

Increasing efficiency in district heating systems through the implementation of modern IT technologies

How the implementation of IT solutions helps regulate heat production and consumption to ensure efficient district heating was discussed at a seminar organized by the USAID Energy Security Project (USAID ESP) together with the Ministry for Communities, Territories, and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine (the Ministry of Infrastructure). The fifth technical seminar on efficient district heating...

May 31, 2024

USAID ESP proposes new solutions that foster heat accumulation and the decarbonization of centralized heat supply systems

More than 200 representatives from local authorities and district heating (DH) utilities participated in the workshop arranged by the USAID Energy Security Project (ESP) jointly with the Ministry for Communities, Territories, and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine. The workshop focused on issues concerning heat accumulation, integration of renewable energy sources (RES), technical solutions as...

May 23, 2024

High-level Roundtable Underscores the Importance of Ukraine’s Energy Reforms

On May 21, U.S. Ambassador Bridget Brink, EU Ambassador Katarina Mathernova, and the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission (NEURC) Chairman Valerii Tarasiuk gathered to discuss the importance of utility regulator independence. Other stakeholders from the United  States Government, European Union (EU) and the Energy Community Secretariat also joined a roundtable to mark critical...

May 17, 2024

USAID ESP Helps to Facilitate the Integration of Ukrainian Electricity Market with the European

Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine ​increased ​the ​urgency of the ​Government of Ukraine’s (GoU) decision to improve the country’s wholesale electricity markets and ​to ​build ​a ​reliable and resilient energy system that ultimately advance​s​ Ukraine’s full integration with European markets.  

To help the GoU meet this goal, the United States Agency for International Development...

May 2, 2024

USAID ESP helps to develop a favorable legal and regulatory framework for Ukraine to build its biomethane sector

On April 30, 2024, the USAID Energy Security Project (ESP) welcomed Ukrainian policymakers and sector experts at the Round Table on Biomethane, aimed at developing a favorable legal and regulatory framework for the biomethane sector in Ukraine and the country’s sustainable energy future.  

Opening the round table, the USAID ESP Chief of Party Michael Trainor stated that the Project supports...

May 1, 2024

Volyn Oblast received two cogeneration units from USAID

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through its Energy Security Project (ESP) handed over to one of the utility companies in Volyn Oblast a second cogeneration unit (CGU) to provide electricity to the quarterly boiler house of the local district heating company. The donation was made under the Memorandum of Cooperation between and is aimed at enhancing energy security...

April 24, 2024

The Next Steps to Introduce REMIT into Ukraine and the Journey to Adopt REMIT II

The EU adopted the Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency (REMIT) in 2011, following which Ukraine adopted a similar law (3141-IX) in 2023. The REMIT law is one of Ukraine’s critical commitments under the European Union-Ukraine (EU-UA) Association Agreement and establishing mechanisms aimed at eliminating both manipulation and corruption in the energy markets. Regarding...

April 23, 2024

USAID Energy Security Project (ESP) started a series of seminars on developing of efficient heat supply systems

The USAID Energy Security Project (USAID ESP) and the Ministry for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine held a workshop on waste heat utilization as an integral element of efficient district heating. This event is the first of a series of educational seminars on developing of efficient heat supply systems. 

Opening the seminar, the Deputy Director of the Office of...

April 19, 2024

The USAID Energy Security Project (ESP) trained heat-generating facilities to operate in the electricity market through balancing and aggregated groups

In a recent seminar organized by USAID ESP and the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Energy Housing and Utilities Services, energy professionals discussed the use of small- and medium-sized cogeneration units (CGUs) in the electricity market through aggregated groups and balancing groups. It was the fifth and final seminar in the series of training events for a total of 200 CGU operators and other...